DVD Package Header
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Start out with a new document with these approximate settings. What
we’re doing here is creating a DVD header logo.
To get closer to the desired range, I chosen the orange yellow orange and then double clicked on the first color stop and changed it to yellow.
Create the middle color stop a light yellow and the last
one about the same as the first color stop. You can get rid of previous
color stops by slightly dragging them away from the gradient editor bar.
Now add some text for your logo design. Something similar to what is shown.
Grab the rectangular marquee tool and make a really
thin selection like this. Create a new layer in the layers palette and
choose red as your foreground color. Now Edit: Fill this selection on
the new layer with red.
You can duplicate this layer by dragging it to the new layer icon and Ctrl click on the layer icon to select it and then choose another foreground fill color (choose black). Fill it with your most convenient and chosen method. Use the moVe tool to nudge the red fill layer down a little. Note that it is underneath the black layer in order. Use the layer centering technique I teach in other tutorials. Get this and all of the other psd.NET tutorials as well as Orion's complete portfolio from the iPSDirectory
Grab your circular marquee tool and holding the Shift key down create a perfect circle.
Create a new layer in the layers palette and choose a gradient and swipe across to fill this selection on the new layer.
Now choose Select: Modify: Contract.
& TutorialKey Solutions c/o DreamCore Productions, Ltd.
Contact me for any questions.
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