When you can realistically expect to achieve your

ultimate Photoshop ambitions?


It could take as little as a few short weeks to get to an intermediate

level of Photoshop CS/CS2 proficiency to many years. Ultimately,

you will be always improving and will be on the 'journey' or living

a lifestyle of using Photoshop a lot.


Getting there faster, depends on your level of dedication and motivation

to applying the training that you are learning and how much time you

put into it. 


It also depends on the method of training that you do have as some

training can be completely the wrong thing you should be focusing

on (or may be too expensive for you to afford).

One of my email subscribers recently stated, "..Photoshop is like

a whole college course, LOL, will obviously take years.."


It could but it doesn"t have to in order to attain an industry standard

level of proficiency and results.


The sooner you can get to a level of solid proficiency and
application of Photoshop CS/CS2, the sooner you can be using

it to start realizing your creative potential or (combined with some

savvy self-promotion), your career goals and income.




Photoshop CS/CS2 proficiency is your 'key' to achieving your

ultimate success in this and related 'creative professional' fields. 


I'm sure you may have some experience with Photoshop, but ask

yourself right now if you really know how to use 'all' of Photoshop's

tools and techniques.  Lack of applied knowledge is what is probably

holding you back.


A good proficiency will open the doors of opportunity as well as unleash

your creativity like you never before imagined as you learn specifically,

bit by bit how you can apply Photoshop's power when combined with

your ideas.


Once you have a solid grounding in 'how to use and apply' Photoshop,

you can then focus on continued training in more focused areas.

If you want to be really effective, remember to keep on learning

and applying yourself in Photoshop; increase your market value

every day.


You'll also have to learn the business skills it will take to pull in the

jobs and projects which will start adding up more work experience

and history to add to your growing cycle of marketability. 


Always be improving your market value by continuing to master

Photoshop and applying it creatively in different ways as well as working

on your business skills.  This will lead you to your ultimate goals.


Remember I wanted you to reflect upon how you could use

Photoshop and what it means to you.  This is important because

when you know where you stand and where Photoshop fits into

your life, the next action step will become clear to you. 


Everything will start to fit into place and you won't be as concerned

about the busy 'busyness' that you can get yourself caught up in of

the millions of details or the latest cool effect.


Consider yourself at an advantage to almost all Photoshop users

who are online searching for information because all that's offered

to them are either the very similar 'clone' free tutorial sites or

limited training options which will happily sell you their product

because they already expect you to know where you're at and

where you stand on things.


Hopefully now with this eCourse you KNOW where you stand, this

will help you save time and money by having this clarity.


If you don't know where you stand, think about it some more (the

bigger picture) and make sure you DO know where you stand with

Photoshop and then all of the smaller details will naturally 'fall into place'. 


Knowing where Photoshop fits into your life is actually like a peace

of mind.  If you know where you're going you're much more likely

to get there (like a ship with a compass vs. a drifting sailboat).


And, if you are dedicated to reaching out and working for the Photoshop success you know you can have, the path will be lit for you to travel

and you can have all of the rewards and benefits that will come with it.


You just know you have to get from here to there; point A to B.


You should understand now that you don't have to waste additional

expenses on 'surface' training programs, video tutorials that are

meant for cool FX or a focused area, or even spending countless

hours on just the free tutorials online; when you really might just

need to get the 'meat and potatoes' of Photoshop handled so

you are prepared to take on any image editing task and apply the

full power of Photoshop.


To really become a versatile, well skilled creative professional who
specializes in Photoshop you must be willing to accept that you

should take the time to get a complete education through one of

the options that offer specifically a complete training environment;

anything else will currently be a waste of time, money and efforts.


The good news is that you DON'T have to go through expensive

classroom training route or get a degree in order to achieve full

Photoshop CS/CS2 proficiency that other aspiring creative

professionals may do...


With the right training, it can actually be a decent time to put what

you"re learning to use because you"ll be so excited about the new

techniques you"re learning and you"ll WANT to try them out for

yourself right away in Photoshop.


Video tutorials training in the A-Z format (not the ones that focus

on a particular aspect of Photoshop - because they are meant for

ongoing training after your proficiency) IS your best all around solution

for getting the training you need for a full proficiency.


It is fairly economical compared to the expected route of hands on

or 'classroom' training.  It is easy to learn from when you have the

right instructor and can be an all in one back up reference or even

supplemental training resource on its own.


Basically you will HAVE to be applying what you're learning from the

video tutorials to really 'get it', however with that in mind it can definitely

be the fastest way to achieve your full proficiency and also the most economical.


If you're a go-getter this shouldn't be a problem for you, but if you

like to be a more traditional student, learn with someone right next

to you or instructing you in a class, you're going to spend a lot more

money (and your competitors are spending this money everyday

to their proficiency).


Just remember that you have to apply what you're learning in your Photoshop.  This, however can actually be a lot of fun because you can

learn at your own pace and you'll WANT to be applying everything new

that you're learning as your mind opens up really fast to what you can do.

Video tutorials training also allows you to internalize a lot of the
foundational necessities a lot faster than most other methods when

you can watch a pro working in action and explaining everything

that is going on. 


And as long as you DO get into Photoshop and apply it you will be OK

and have saved yourself hundreds or even thousands of dollars

in proficiency training.  You will also be ahead of your peers!

You"ll finally begin to understand how the myriad of different tools
and techniques work and you will have countless ‘Aha"s" as it
all finally becomes revealed to you.

You know that to achieve your real goals and desires SOON,
you"re going to have to focus on getting the leverage of knowledge
and training necessary to propel you to the level you want to be
at as soon as possible.


To get the full foundational Photoshop CS/CS2 training, you're NOT

going to find it with some free online tutorials that make up the bulk

of the Photoshop industry online.  I pioneered the 'basic' and 'graphic

design' training tutorials online yet still, they only touch on a 'fraction'

of what you need to know.

Trying to figure everything out on your own could take you years
and we both know that you"re probably interested in Photoshop for

more than just a few cool tricks and tips you can do with it..

You"re simply giving yourself the FASTEST shortcut you can by
being smart enough to leverage off of someone else"s expert
level knowledge and proficiency.

Remember you're going to have to 'learn' Photoshop if you want to

be a creative professional (Photoshop) user.  And that means the

meat and potatoes learning.  From there you can really start the fun



If you are serious about reaching those goals then I encourage

you to seek out the proper training and dedicate yourself to achieving

the imaging results and success that you can have through Photoshop.


So maybe you've figured out by now that, YES I can help you

with achieving your Photoshop CS/CS2 proficiency and preparing

you for the real world of making money with your newfound skills.


I have a lot of experience training Photoshop users worldwide

online and through my tutorials training resources and solutions.


And hopefully I've given you enough information to help you reflect

on what Photoshop means to you, your future and what you can

do with it. 


I want you to be able to market yourself and your Photoshop

abilities so that you can get real jobs that pay and see an actual

return from your work other than the obvious creative aesthetic

fulfillment you'll have.


I have created a special "Real World Guide to Photoshop Power" that

gives you inside tips, techniques, and pure foundational knowledge

on how to apply Photoshop for the real world to create an income

and fulfill your creative professional potential. 


It's an 82 page eBook with priceless information on how to set yourself

up for success in the 'real world' with Photoshop.


I also really DO want to provide an alternative for aspiring Photoshop

professionals (you!) to learn without having to spend thousands of

dollars in the expected classroom or institutional environment.  So

this is what I've done.


I have also created a special video tutorials training program that can

effectively act as a content replacement for a much more expensive

classroom training environment; and as long as you can apply

yourself from what I teach you, you will become a VERY proficient

Photoshop CS/CS2 user.


My TutorialKey training can be that shortcut for you (if you want
to call it a shortcut) because you"ll still have to do the work of
applying yourself in Photoshop from what you"re learning but you

will save a lot of money.

It is an all-in-one reference that covers everything you"ll need to
know to have a solid foundational education in Photoshop CS/2.


In my TutorialKey video tutorials training for Photoshop CS/CS2,

I cover it all as well by giving you 6 additional hours of applied

Photoshop with fun stuff for the 'real world'.


Overall, this will really cut down your learning curve to the barebones minimum.  It will dramatically save you time and effort as well as
provide you the shortest possible distance to your goals.


Now think about yourself again..you DO want to get to that level

as soon as possible don"t you, so you can start exercising the reason
why you wanted to learn Photoshop in the first place, right?

It is WORTH the investment in some good training because you
can reach your goals sooner and travel that path as smooth as
possible by learning from a professional in an environment that

you can control the pace of learning as well as refer back to at

anytime for answers in an 'all in one' resource.


Some of my students report learning more from me than from

the college courses they have taken.


Well, I don't want you to decide right now on a training solutions/s. 

In fact I want you to look at the other training options that are out

there because although my solution has helped many aspiring Photoshop

professionals around the world, it may not be the best training solution

for you. 


There are 13 different mediums to understand and look at of Photoshop

training.  That's a LOT of money you could be spending on training

that maybe isn't right for you.

Fully learning Photoshop is a noble pursuit and a serious endeavor
but IS definitely worth it if your dream, reason for learning it, or
creative vision is big enough.  That part is up to you to decide.

Want to start freelancing or get the job you want sooner rather

than later? Want to start earning income for your work a.s.a.p?

Then you"re just going to have to put more focus and time into

learning Photoshop with the leverage of some good training as

well as understand how to market yourself. 

To achieve your creative potential or full market value you're
going to have to go through the mind-opening training phase.

Photoshop proficiency training is a valuable thing, isn't free and can

often cost you up to thousands of U.S. dollars.  It doesn't have to

be this way now..you have some options as a prosumer.


When you are ready for a Photoshop training investment, make sure

you make an educated decision, one that you're proud of, one that

works for you and that you won't regret.  My Power Guide will help

you find the answers and give you the 'birds eye view' of what's

really going on so you don't waste money.

So the question you must ask yourself is, “Am I ready to do

what it takes to learn Photoshop so I can start achieving the

results I want to gain with it?" and..."WHEN am I going to really

start working towards my Photoshop goals?"

That"s up to you to decide; remember that the sooner you start,
the sooner you can be seeing the results of expressing yourself
creatively, competing in the job or freelance market for income,

or any other reason why you"d want to learn Photoshop.

Remember, if you want some free tutorials here and there to do

cool tricks with but not really be able to edit your images like a pro

then please...I know several sites that will keep you busy on that

surface level...

but if you know that you have to get yourself going with

Photoshop for whatever YOUR reasons or goals are, then I can much

further help you with my "Real World Guide to Photoshop Power" eBook. 



Yes, I can help you achieve your Photoshop CS/CS2 proficiency as well

other industry leaders and training sources, but it's rare to find the

information in one place where you can prepare to earn an income

with those proficiency skills so you can be as effective as possible in the

'real world'. 


Remember that any training solution company will be happy to take

your money; but it's up to YOU to know where YOU stand so you can

make the best decisions for your time and money to get to the goals

you want to achieve in the straightest path possible.


The Real World Guide to Photoshop Power, I have created for you

to further define what Photoshop means to you, what your creative

and professional possibilities are, how to freelance with specific

techniques, how to increase your market value and much more including

an industry wide look at all 13 different mediums of Photoshop training,

their pro's and cons and their costs to help you decide what's best for



You know the potential of which you can reach with the right

resources (no matter where you're at in the world), so just make

sure that you are completely educated and informed on all of your

options.  That is what I want to do for you as the next step.


If you're serious about unlocking your ability to power use Photoshop

and apply yourself for real world results and income earning success

and applied creativity then you won't just want to leave this information

at where it's at...you'll want to learn more about how you can clarify

and achieve your goals in the fastest possible time for the least amount

of expense. 


I encourage you to get more information and take the next step forward towards reaching your real world Photoshop goals.  It's obvious you're

on a different level than the people who took the other eCourse...Photoshop

is a lot of fun but without focus or a purpose, those people aren't going

to be YOUR competition for jobs and earning money.


The "Real World Photoshop Power Guide" can give you an invaluable

look (even deeper) into the depth of your Photoshop potential, how to

apply it and yourself to create an income for yourself as well as specifically what action steps to take. 


This information could potentially save you thousands of dollars in

training costs that weren't related to your Photoshop path.  It will give

you the career seeking answers you've been looking for.


The "Real World Guide to Photoshop Power" has a value of $49 USD.

But here's what I'm going to do.  I'm going to sell it for $19 USD

and let YOU decide how much you want to pay for it.  Yes, that's right.


You can consider it as an 'honor' system.  One of the reasons I want

to do this is because in many countries the currency exchange is

way off of the U.S. dollar and it becomes quite expensive even for

just about anything from the U.S.


After you fill out a short survey, I'll give you the 82 page eBook as an

instant download and YOU decide how much you want to pay (or not

at all) on the thank you page.  If you choose 'not' to pay, that's up to

you but I just want you to realize the value of what you're getting here.


I would love to hear testimonials, suggestions and feedback on the book.


So I encourage You to pay me what you think it is worth for the information that will;


* help you potentially save hundreds or thousands of dollars by looking

at all of your Photoshop training options industry-wide,


*give you the knowledge on how to increase your marketability,


*know what Photoshop means to you and your creative professional future,


*where you're going and how to get there


*job opportunities for Photoshop users as creative professionals


*dozens of specific links to resources that you can use right away

(I've gathered it all in one place) to start getting work, etc.


*how to specifically apply skills in freelancing to increase your

income earning and much more.


I also want to further help you decide where you're at with a short survey.

This will help me fine tune things to where you're at and want to go.


So take the next step by taking this short survey and then getting your

"Real World Guide to Photoshop Power" where I go into a lot more detail

and the specific 'how-to' aspects that are too long and plentiful to put into

this eCourse. 


By taking the short survey, I will be willing to give you some additional

bonus downloads along with immediate access instructions to the

"Power Guide" itself.


As a special bonus for U.S. based Photoshop users, I will send to you at

my expense a TutorialKey video sampler CD (for Mac or Pc) just for

taking the survey and you will get to download the eBook right after you

fill out the survey (remember, YOU choose how much you want to pay

for it if at all).


As another bonus; if you decide through time or immediately that my

TutorialKey video tutorials training happens to be the best solution for

your proficiency training, I'll refund the entire amount you sent for the

eBook.  So take the next step right now...


TutorialsTraining Survey & Free Video Sampler CD..


Must Read Note for Photoshop users outside the U.S.

If you are outside the U.S. you can also take a survey to help you further decide where you stand with Photoshop and you will receive some valuable bonuses as well (sorry not the sampler CD due to 8 week shipping time to some countries and additional handling/shipping expenses).  If you are international and would still like the sampler CD, then please send $5 to orion@photoshopdesigner.com via paypal and we can make an exception and ship it out first-class mail.  Thanks for understanding the situation.


International Photoshop users click here instead to take

the same survey and get free bonuses immediately.


1. What is your #1 goal or purpose in being able to learn & apply your Photoshop CS/CS2 skills?


2. What brought you to TutorialsTraining.com?


3. How much Photoshop experience do you have?



4. When do you want to reach your Photoshop goals?


5. Are you planning on getting and using the TutorialKey Training to enhance your Photoshop proficiency?



6. If your answer is no (or maybe), what is the main reason holding you back?


7. How will you be using Photoshop?


Remember to include your mailing address for the free Sampler CD to be sent.  Please allow up to two weeks for delivery.  Sampler CD's are shipping for U.S. only right now (sorry international but please don't fill out the form due to additional expense & unreliable timely shipping options to many countries).  Your address and info will not be released to ANY outside source.  Please allow up to 2 weeks for U.S. delivery.  Just fill out your name and email for international orders to get your bonuses.


First Name*:
Last Name:



City:     State:        Zip:


Be patient as it may take up to a minute to process your free registration. 


You will be taken to the downloads page which you can bookmark. 


You may receive more information about how I can specifically help resolve your training needs.

You can unsubscribe at any time & I will NEVER release your information to ANY other party.


Close Window


The course continues and ends after you fill out the form where you will

have instructions on how to download the "Real World Power Guide for





Alternative eCourse ending:



Instead of taking the short survey and getting your "Power Guide", if

you are ready right now to just 'get everything' including your Photoshop proficiency handled (and PowerGuide); and you have done your research

and feel that my professional training solution is a strong possibility, then

I encourage you to find out more about my video tutorials training for Photoshop CS/CS2 (the TutorialKey) on this website. 


Remember that the TutorialKey will also be a perfect back-up or

reference companion to you to come back to as you continue to grow.

Discover for yourself and unlock your creative potential today, here

is your key>>>


Orion Williams

Adobe Certified Expert, Photoshop CS




p.s. DON'T FORGET TO TAKE THE SURVEY ABOVE TO GET ACCESS TO YOUR "Power Guide" and Free Sampler Disc (U.S.).


"I picked my way through Photoshop for five months until I purchased your TutorialKey training for Photoshop CS, and my world exploded!!  This training is a must have for anyone wanting to realize the full potential of their creativity in graphic design, photo touch-up and restoration etc. through Photoshop.  And the real world bonus tutorials...man, they're on fire!!!        -Francis Escayg, nylonsky@gmail.com 8/17/05


I have hundreds of testimonials which you can read as well. 


NOTE: You can take the audio version of this eCourse instead on .mp3...it's up to you!  It will ask you to Open or Save; if you want to listen right away press Open otherwise save it to your hard drive. 


You can listen to it in your default audio player on Mac or PC.  The length is 1 hour and 23 minutes of value that I'm giving to you!  It is also free and of course there is no obligation at all; it's just great information. 


Here is the Audio version of this eCourse that you can listen to at anytime.



Copyright TutorialsTraining.com & TutorialKey Solutions 2005

Adobe, Photoshop, and the Adobe Certified Expert logos are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. in the U.S. & other countries.   

TutorialsTraining.com & TutorialKey Solutions, PhotoshopDesigner.com, PhotoshopDesign.Net, ClubCast.tv, PhotoRestorationTutorials.com, PhotoRetouchingTutorials.com, Digital-Scrapbooking.net, Scrapbook-Templates.com, are trademarks of DreamCore Productions, Ltd.

Use of other trademarks or logos does not  imply endorsement from the respective sources. 

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